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A member registered Feb 25, 2023

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Ah what an interesting game indeed! got me hooked on it! Though i mostly did the one ending without doing rule number 1 in the game course... i wish i could without game overs or restarting haha, anyways good job on making this game QUITE ON EDGE, night fox. I know you said theres a sequel to this game, i shall wait cause im sure you probably wont update this anymore if your making a sequel to this.

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Wow.. im impressed by the design and how you can free roam like in some other porn novel games, i have to patiently wait for a good update though that one part makes me real antsy now for the next update! but just like i always been doin ill patiently wait for the next update. If i knew how to rate i would give ya 4 or 5 of 5 stars, its got quite the bold looking effects!

Ok alittle short but that's ok im sure theres another update id say soon, it got my attention now haha, gonna rate it  too didnt big out at least eventhough it was a short part anyways but at least its gonna get my attention, i shall await next big update.

I really wanna keep tryin this game its got my attention foxyghost but its been awhile since you updated it again, was wondering when will the next big update happen?

Ah gotcha so i see i can play it through the browser just not a download, so i did play it alittle just to see if it ran on browser it did but that means browser only and not a download.

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oh wow now im very intrested! wait dev Igazella is ALSO in the novel game! of course out of em all i have to like Igazella more, i was naughty in all 3 parts of the beginning of meeting em all but im a dragoness fan so uhm yep! i was oggling em lol, well Igazella i hope you can update more soon! ill patiently wait for my fav dragoness to continue her progress on your game! 😊, I hope this doesn't sound cringe just wanted to comment and say ill be waiting patiently for the next update!

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I was on tentaclegames site bweem and i do like this but its not a download yet but if you do i uh dont know if you can but try to make an android download too im on a google pixel 7a phone, it does have an tempting thing i like the fetishes in it but im gonna need to wait for an android download i hope.

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Ah SWEET TIMING, i just finished the last version you did 35 days ago just now an wanted to comment about HOW AMAZING, the novel/game is! i must say i was really REALLY ENGROSSED, 😳 so far my relationship status on Emilia is the highest of em all, but thats probably cause she is basically an old school mate from middle school and you both were quite close friends, so ig that makes her such a higher relationship status of em all rn, then i got pamela behind her, my lowest one is with the director.. oofy -1 rn.. but ill fix it eventually!, just wanted to comment an tell you how amazing im into it Catfish Studio and i hope you update it it quite FREQUENTLY. 

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Wow, i got all the sex scenes to show on the demo, pelite looks good so far but i think you missed another hole that could be used~ 😉, but i must wait for the next update im gonna be antsy for a month now lol, but hey perhaps giving you a review an comment naughty to ya maybe you'll update faster!~ lol well not that it would but i will await the next update!~ ♥️, oh! and i had no bugs or issues but i also downloaded the android version for new phones i tried the x86 and the other too but said incompatible but new phone version worked for me but im on a google pixel 7a anyways.

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Hello there Dos, i really enjoy this game i hope the update for Prometheus is almost done already, i also wonder how ashes "fun" will be too, i encountered the bug still in Noras store an cutscene i cleaned the store and when i finished it just kept in noras store back ground an the map showed up an kept noras store in the background and then i talked to alexa but she didnt appear, i am showing the pics i screenshotted for ya to let you know i think its still buggy. so i had to reload an skip that plan with nora to make sure it didnt bug the background again. Eventhough i encountered the bug you fixed still im still INTRIGUED by your game/novel basically.

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Hello Mei, i must say i really enjoy the details you got in the game right now, but im getting alittle bored of it and alittle annoyed cause i would like to meet alot of differnt monstergirls and breed them, but everytime i want to go to differnt locations in the first part which is the forest, i have only ran into bunnygirls, mice girls, and one time a female fox but i could never run into anything newer, i also am alittle upset cause id like to get more of a chance than rather doing one to 3 encounter assaults and over, is there a way you can fix the game over thing and like maybe make it a wholesome moment if you cant get yourself back to normal after 2 encounters and that they let you go. that be very much funner and also i can then finally enjoy breeding with other differnt monstergirls, like i said its great detail i just hate the i always game over within 2 or 3 encounters..

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Ive played the game i kinda think its pretty hot but ive been waiting for an update i hope its a good update when you do get to it spacehorndog cause id like to see whatll happen cause i did both choices on how to breed her haha. 😳 exspecially the one i wouldnt of probably done to her cauae i picked the more gentler one first at the end on my first run then i did the other choice, either way im hoping that theres another update soon spacehorndog! i think i may like this novel rpg. 

hey ponami just giving you a comment to show ya that i got to the end of rhe chapter for now i will patiently waif for the next update i am sure itll be a bit still cause its probably just yourself doing the stuff but i do pike how its going right now! i will patiently wait for the next update! 😊

I have enjoyed playing this game up to v.0.9, i will patiently wait for the next one to appear, its gonna take alot of time im sure to get the public release of v.0.10, cause this game is running deep, i mean wow! 😳 ive played a few novel like porn games this one seems to be quite STUNNING, i do wish it was more like a harem one haha!, cause i got to the end of v.0.9, got to choose at the end but WOO BOY 🥵, i am intrigued by the way this is! I shall await v.0.10 bisqdev patiently as i can! 😅

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wows, intresting to make a game to fill up the royal princess cadence basically! my main favorite princess tbh too!~ but was just a one time edition but i bet theres more to it if i was a member of studiowhys patreon..but i will just have to wait for ya to update the free version again! i am tempted to breed the mane 6 if possible and even breed that...uh well haha "Bug" problem~ 😏😉 so yes! ill be waiting for the free version to update SOON i hope! 😊

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hey Nranchs are you still gonna update this game so i can play it longer and enjoy being bred by many monsters i remember that it was a spider boss mostly that bred the main charactor, but i also am on google pixel 7a mobile phone so it is small buttons too but, i also wanted to  see if you was making a new update soon or in a couple days since its been like 91 days since your last update, i did enjoy the little bit of the first chapter but i seen lots of things in development still so i been waiting lol.

hello foxyghost! i see so much potential in this novel rpg story! exspecially the shy fox gal! omg so adorable makes me wish i woke up like that a fox giving me a bj haha! but i see its not much choices yet and i must do the waiting game now! 😍 i might really really REALLY like this game when i met the mouse even that wants a sperm sample instead makes me give you a slightly good idea for an update! 😳😏 but yes im gonna need to wait! haha. 😅 

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well i looked on here and it just says run game and support the game but when i tap the support game its to pay for helping you but nothing says download. i apologize for my dumbness cause i hadnt been on for a long time but i dont see a "download now" button. i did a screen shot to show you that i dont see now" button

hrmmm i like this plan you got Azla1, its intresting and reminds me of another game called degrees of lewdity or DOL, but i was able to download the game to keep playing without losing my save progress like it can do when you run in the browser for me im on an android phone the google pixel 7a, if you can make a download file for the game id much appreciate it. 😉

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haha damn such a bad lewdy climax at the end of this "demo" 🤣, Millie is hot as fuck but at the end your just stuck thinking of her irl even! cause to continue more fun amadeenart wants you to join their patreon XD, damn i guess ill wait an see if this gets a "PUBLIC RELEASE"

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i thought it would stay free myself, i remember it never showed up that on the link before it was just magical monstergirls academy i did play the demo before its not bad of a run time but i can remember i had still to many endings to get for the gallery that i hope it would of been easier to get but that derg monstergal was a tougher.. but i also remember when i played it when i entered the forest again there was to much enemies that spawned back in, like it had 5 to 15 enemy marks appear all coming for me im like how can i get the derg ending if theres to many at ya now!? but yes i was hoping it be free for the complete edition too. 

intresting but that link in the game i cant seem to get the actual game cause it says to use that link in the game when i downloaded it but the site wasnt right so i guess update this game so i can use your new update an have some gacha lewdy fun!

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The games alright xperiment but i guess even if you choose being a guy in the game its still m/m sex scenes i did make a femaled charactor too but yeah haha i was hoping the charactors would change depending on your gender either male or femaled but i guess it wouldnt be that simple to do, ill try the male charactor side but i think its all gonna be m/m but thats ok its still an alright game i tried eventhough im bi anyways but would of been nice to get female crew too when your a male.😊

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*GASP* whitecrocus!~ you added 2 new locations AND a new spirit to interact with! *hugs whitecrocus* im happy to see that your updating the game still! i wonder who will be in the mistcave when you do your next update! maybe a dragon like spirit maybe!~ i  was excited to see that them 2 locations appeared in your game!~ 

ah i see what you mean now i seen em haha so yeah gotta reach them scores then before the scenes appear, so my new objective get those points.~ 😅

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i seen the 2 modes i had it on the first mode which i played it for awhile but then I tapped the top right number that says 6+ and then it switches to 18+ unless it glitched cause i played it for a little bit on 6+ 😅

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im still trying it but i hadnt got to any lewdy part to it even when i just fly normally and tap as much as i can before falling onto a pumpkin or flower but when i do.. it just restarts no sexual stuff the only thing it changed was tendrils began to show on the bottom of the game but nothing lewdy yet but will keep playing it ill eventually get the sex stuff ig lol.

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ah i see a game that requires the actual "cash" you need to use during the game only way to do anything super full you need to give kannascape the cash to play the game correctly, ah i see well that's saddening XD i was curious and horny about this game but to do it right you need to get the full version, i mean yay first person you can use but if your in need for the other girls they are locked in the "demo" ig is what that first one is. well would of loved the game more if i didnt need to use the "cash" to play. 

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Its intresting, got combat, we also got sex parts, but we would need more creatures to "breed her more!~", i gotta wait for somemore updates though before i can play this more but i got all the CG sex endings opened but now just the waiting, also the screen im used to my volume and power button up rather than the volume an power button that could get pressed on my palm lol, im on a google pixel 7a and i tried the rotation tap too but it stayed in the same spot, so thats probably my only issue i dont care much for the game, but other than that! its a sexy fun game, waiting for next update!~

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hey  pocketsweeties, i am glad i can just tap at  your boobs and make em huge and cover my screen but... can you add yourself in the game to be bred by us fans!~ the tapping is fun but id really like to breed you like rouge, peach, imp, and toriel! although i wish too that i could breed toriel without having patreon..either way i liked the demo! the sexy talking is fascinating too!~ i hope you add many more pocketcuties and yourself soon! 😉

Intresting... but like any demo game full version gives you the more stuff to it, ughnn i been teased again i found it for the cat scene but it said "this scenes not in this version would you like to get the full version", ahhhnn man! could of filled her up as her Neko form but its just the demo side, lol well i also like to try new nsfw games, guess ill have to see what horubrain will do in this demo version hopefully you will update it more. i enjoyed some transformatios like dragon, lizard, an of course neko haha.~

ah man! i made it to were i never turned my phone off in the game, and also kept her roaming but now.. now i must wait for more update, night fox works make sure to keep updating daily its to intresting of a novel story to skip a whole like YEAR to not update i want to see how well this story is! id do patreon but nah sadly i just like enjoying free downloadable games from itch! i hope you got yourself busy with your next Mal0vent update in gear right now  night fox works ill be waiting! 😆 i got engrossed in this to much to have to gets antsy now! 

Sounds good i even sat there for one minute and nothing changed still kept being a black screen. Glad that i let you know incase its a bug you can possibly fix. 🙂

idk what it is but im on a Google Pixal 7A phone but when i lose to the slime boss dummy i get to my apartment again but the game leaves it black screened like this. dont know if it is the version i downloaded the apk one not the touch android one should i try the touch one? 

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i played the free episode 1-7 download.. gosh! i miss that grey wolf girl!~ but i already know what happens an i wish there was more of a thing for the game where you can breed the charactors over again rather than loading the last save before you end episode 1-7. this game i really liked alot and hope that dicpic keeps updating it!~~ i gotta wait till newer updates show before i redownload it an redo everything again~ course i dont remember seeing much girls in that download like dicpic said ive only seen the town which was three or four only.

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it has an amazing story to it kinda sounds like your a demonlord or well Perseus is haha but im sure your not but it is a monster girl game, anywho yukari when will u make the demo kinda more progress to it i made it to day2 and yep, i was told demo ended to get full version its so amazing i like the game but wish it wasnt the download demo i can only get since full is money. i know im not the only one that wants a free full release of the game!😳 but as always when i try differnt adult games some let you play fully without it being a demo version but yes yukari this is a good game if only i could fully get it but no matter. GOOD JOB~  😆

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yeah i played the demo, story is always a thing i like but not really wanting to buy it cause 13bucks lol, all an all games yes gory, not recommended if u find that to much ive seen gory stuff before, but yeah i like the lewdy part than gory part but! nothing to crazy in the demo, i mean wow a head lopped off but maybe reikodium is more into the crazier gory stuff ive seen unless the dev doesnt go that gory if thats all dah gore  you see in the game why not try it then but if the dev replies to this an says "oh yes we went CRAZY into the gory scenes" then you may wanna just double check if you wanna mess with this game rn im sticking to the demo, vegas cute wish i filled her instead haha. anywho hope anyone else enjoys the story and lewdyness to the game. 

Oh you make it as a hobby and a learning experience for if you wanna be someone who makes games? Thats better than my pokemon collecting cards hobby haha. Also i see, so R5 is still on hold for awhile till you can get to it, but thats ok good to hear that maybe you will add 2 new enemies possibly. yes it wasnt to bad first stage was simple but i mostly want to breed them kobolds hehe. 

Games fun, my favorite parts were i can breed the kobolds, if i may ask when will you update it more again papel? if i can give u advice why not add eggs, cumflation, and the kobolds and orcs moaning as you fuck them instead of when you penetrate them and cum in em id like to hear more moans as you breed em and maybe you can add gators, or even snakes to the mix sometime. i cant do the second round much so i like to just stick to the first stage. im more into breeding the kobolds than saving the princess 😅.  hope to see a new update soon papel! 🙂

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i do like the game mind you i dont got the patreon build i got the android free one were theres still a few quests under construction but nranchs besides one little issue i have rn in the game i put it on the android bug area and showed the screenshot i like the game and i always was a fan of kobolds haha, so just keep building ur game more its amazing to me. 😆