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stoopid cat

A member registered Mar 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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oh yeah, zooming in also fucks your fps, or when the sun rises, or when literaly anything happens (i have an rtx 3060 btw)

titanfall 2

give them 100 bucks and ask nicely then they might just do it

cus of the profile pic probably, idk

its such a cool feture that if you dont sleep for a long time and let your stamina stay at 0 for too long, you  will not be able to sleep irl !

there is also two places where the fence is missing



i am preaty sure the ATV shows up on the radar

as far as i know the detector will always have a random chance to fail, even on max uprades

go to the satelite you need to check (type in console: *satelite name* , and this will point your compass in its direction (the red part of the compass is forward)) after you arrive to the satelite go up the stairs and type in that console there: sv.hash ,  this will give you a random combination of letters and numbers, then you write that down on a paper(after you click report under the templates menu, while you have a paper open in your hand, and you have to write it where the x's are) and you are good to go, preaty sure the tuturial told you the rest, but if you need help in anything feel free to ask

hold the right mouse button and then you can rotate the object with your mouse


it cost's a 100 usd to put a game on steam

(1 edit)

how do i get the invisible spooky fuckface out of the base, i am in a locker and realy scared

edit: i am running for my life and its throwing random stuff at me, also i managed to bait it outside and lock the door

skill issue

why not