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A member registered Sep 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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Do you mean you’re trying to play it on your iPhone? The game only works for Windows and Mac (think the computers in your room like a Macbook or something, not the phone in your pocket).

You’ll need to do it on a computer and download the appropriate version for your machine.

This is a serious title with serious effort put behind it - and the execution matches the effort, perhaps even exceeding it. It REQUIRES patience, curiousity, and an unending hunger for eyes knowledge and understanding of what this even is, but it rewards you in spades for it.

You NEED the previous effort, though, to get the full experience, and you need to play them in order: search for "Basilisk" on the creators page to get the entire thing working.

Go in BLIND - even me writing this and telling you what to expect and what to get feels like too much as-is. Seriously, DON'T do yourself a disservice by looking anything up about this game - enjoy it, and enjoy it thoroughly.

And take notes.

This is stellar, but you have to go in blind and be patient, observant, and methodical to make any real progress - expect to know nothing and understand nothing and leave with nothing but a sense of uneasiness even when you're done because...'s also a two-parter: you NEED the other related title in order to get the FULL experience and to make sense of the entire thing (check the creator's page for, "Basilisk - 2000"). I know the addendum isn't free, but it's NECESSARY for the full experience, I'm serious.

It'll be the best $3 you've ever spent, and you'll get 6-8 hours out of it if not more.