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A member registered Apr 07, 2017

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Hey everyone!

We were lucky enough to submit the game 8 min before deadline :p This Jam was definitely a challenge, since we finished the game in 10 days and on top of that, working over Skype, Whats app and Cloud networking was not so easy :/
But we managed to pull it off (: 

Looking forward to play everyones game :D 
Feel free to check out our game, Step Up
Feedback is most appreciated. 


Hey there (:
When is the exact date for the deadline? Since we may differ in Time zones. 

Good day, 

We are a team of 3 and looking forward to take part in the jam to pull of something unique in regards to the theme.

There are few points we would like to clarify and it would be really helpful if you can help us out: 

- Is the game suppose to be a full game? Or are you looking for a polished prototype? Also, what is the Game play time you are looking for?

 - For the submission you have asked for the source code and game assets too... But this is a matter of concern for us because our content could be misused, like someone else claiming ownership or monetizing on our work. On top of that we fear forgery.
I hope you understand our concerns. I would like to add that if the game is further selected as a winner, we have no issues providing you the source code and art assets as this seems to be more fair. And we also agree with the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS.

- Under prizes it says "The Community Category Winner will win a $1,000 college scholarship to be used at the school of their choice or for any other purpose they might choose"
But what if we are done with college or don't need such scholarship? Is this jam only student specific? 

Looking forward to your prompt reply. 
