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A member registered Jan 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really phenomenal. Such talent!

This was quite fun. Nice art/ good visuals. Going with an AI-dependent success mechanic was brave, but pulled off magnificently.

This is quite impressive for 96 hours. I hope ya'll go on to make many more amazing products.

I know you've already heard it...

cayote time!

You've made a neat game here. Absolutely loved the first few levels, and those very last ones were exciting! The use of scale was well implemented. :)

If you make a second platformer adding cayote time would give it a polished, well-rounded feel.

This is cool. Nice mechanic

This was tons of fun. My only recommendations would be brighter lighting, so the player can tell where they're supposed to go, and fix the bug where you can shrink the floor panels and fall through the world.

I had a difficult time judging some of the jumps. I couldn't tell why - the Medium Mouse-Big Mouse gap difference is very similar... maybe that could be it? But then I realized... the platforms are all different sizes. So when you're jumping on the plank that stick out of the wall, it's easy to judge the exact distance you have to jump... but for the longer platforms, the Medium Mouse jumps only slightly past where the platform ends. It seems like the longer platform approximately covers the Big and Medium Mouse jump distances, but it doesn't.

All in all, a nice title! Very stylishly illustrated. A+!

A classic platformer. I'm not quite sure what happened, but I beat the game.

This felt exactly like a DS game, especially the sound and colors. This is exactly what I wanted in a "Built to Scale" game. Nice job.

Good gameplay, and the story does not Drag on. Eggactly the kind of "Built to Scale" grid-based I was looking for.

I don't know why, but I've always had the need for driving games. As a kid, I could still remember the first driving game I saw anyone play, and feeling, not like a feeling or thought, but like a specter come over me, the need for more driving games. I wasn't even allowed to play video games at the time. Very satisfying driving mechanic.

Not a bad start, at least!

Where did you learn to make games like this ?!

This game exceeded all expectations. This is exactly what I wanted from a "Built to Scale" game. :)

Is this the only place you can build a mine?

I'm not sure what to do after building one, because the snake eats it quickly.

Are there supposed to be more than two levels? When the skeletons activate the keys in the second level, nothing appears to happen.

Look, the first banana is hard. Go for the arm trainer first, then get a little strength. The game really opens up after the first banana.

Brilliant. Reminds me of an old Madagascar Game Cube game. Nothing can beat the euphoria of climbing to reach the pedestal of Alex the Lion's den.

I think this could be the best entry in the jam, but the mechanics need a little work. (For instance: my character can't climb slopes?) However, the work that you've managed to accomplish in four days, solo is astonishing. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see where this kind of ingenuity leads.

That last one took me a while. Great job

(7 edits)

What are your HIGHSCORES?
Current Record: 2137

Thanks! The shadows are quite a development for me.

;) Pico-Pals!

This was a ridiculously fun entry. You should add more screenshots, so people know what the game's about.

Quite a nice Pico-8 entry! Please don't make Tony walk on the burner. It makes a little sizzling sound every time I do that.

No problem! Good luck in the Jam.

It looks like this newer version page might still be in draft mode? Because I can't see it. This is fine however: In fact I would recommend that you take this link down because it is against the Jam rules. 

". . . Also, please do not put links to other builds (such as 'Game jam upload has a bug! Please play this one!') in your description or comments. This may see you being disqualified. . ."

Don't worry about the bug, because this game is still very fun, and stylish, and a good play. Just take down the link, and provide a helpful hint for level 3 specifically.

Thank you! <3

Quite a stylish implementation. I like how the protagonist walks, slowly moving from one leg to another. The hand-drawn background, the SFX, and the screenshot gallery were all rather stylish. Would loved to see a finished version! :)

I like the ending. :)

Quite a nice style. Did you hand pixel?

The level-based system is classic. There are some good mechanics in there too.

I'll bet you're a very talented game designer.

I've never been more invested in the lives of salamanders.

Could we get hints for the constellations? Would love to finish, but I don't know any of them.

This was lots of fun! Very aesthetic, and a good work environment.

Quite amazing for 96 hours. I'm about to bring out my Doritos and Mountain Dew; feels exactly like a Nintendo release.

Sadly, the third level is almost unplayable, which is a shame, because the rest of the game is really good.

Reminds me of some of my favorite cool math games. Quite a refined sense of style. Very entertaining.

"Thank you Max. I promise you that I will never be bored again."

Cool game

I know this game wasn't a lot of content, but it was a very fun interpretation of the jam theme. Nice job! <3

I love the creativity of the jumps in this game. Like how, moving back one, up one creates a jump that you can't reach from down one, forward one. It was a lot of fun, and from experience, a lot easier to program. ;)


I've never seen a clicker use this kind of 3D. It was waaaaayyy too fun to fill up those first rooms with potatoes.

Cool concept if not incredibly finished!

This team is talented, but the game is mislabeled. ("Cleaner game" is a more apt description than "puzzle." There's some confusion there that may lead to a lower rating.)

Having said that, this is the best entry I've reviewed so far. A serious sense of style and "home-grown-ness" that eludes many games. Were this game much longer and I still in my teens, I could see myself slip into this world for hours.