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A member registered May 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice. Your games keep getting better and better.

The bear is cute.

Very cool, I now see. Is there a way to refill health though?

Wow, seems fun, but what really bothers me is that there's no way to get more ammo.

A very cool prototype, hope you make a full game or whatever you want to make.

I like that you added particles, sounds, water effects, the outline around the kiwi. It's cute and fun to navigate. The camera is a bit weird sometimes though.

A bit clumsy overall, but I love the legs. Not sure if this comment is useful. Good luck.

The controls are good.

Excellent as always.

Wow, very cool, I love the level design, feels like an actual world.

Yay, you updated!!!

Woah, Kultisti dropped new game

Wow, now it's very fun to play!

Don't get me wrong, I like your game, it's good, but requires improvements to become great.
It's uncomfortable *for me* in general.
The things below are probably what makes it uncomfortable for me.

- Everything is probably too big

- Font is purely a personal preference, but the wide bold pixel font used everywhere at the moment is a bit bad. It's bold so it's meant to pull a bit more attention than a usual font would. Everything is written in "significant" font, so my eyes are  pulled towards... everything? Maybe you should make the regular font less prominent? Like use a less "significant" font probably.

- Too many buttons in the main menu. You could probably put credits & settings into options, and then controls into settings.

- The title in the main menu is a bit too big. I mean, sometimes it's good to leave some spare space. Like, the "quit" button in the main menu doesn't have to be in the left bottom corner.

- I think that Picasso was right when he said "Good artists copy; great artists steal". Look at other games, how did they do UI? I think that without much experience all you can do is to look and learn.

Overall, good game, I like this kind of games. I like the choice of music, how it changes through scenes.

Fun game

Pretty good, but the UI, oof my eyes, it will be such a great game when you improve the UI. Because I can't play it, there's too much going on at the same time...

I think this message can give you some mood. Even if you don't want to complete the game anymore, I know in the end you'll accomplish everything you want.

IMO clockworks of reality are the hardest, but the worms and birds are the craziest.

I like everything about this game, simply perfect.

Cool game, I like the music and the vibe is pretty good.

I like this game, it's cozy.

I like the drawings!

(1 edit)

Hello, I just wanted to say that I'm still here.
I still believe in you, and I'm still waiting for the game!

I'm still looking forward to interbreeding alien species and witnessing historical events.

And I will wait until it is ready.

P. S. Oh, it's been only 12 days? It seems like an eternity!

Oh, I'm still here, I believe you will become lucky someday. To be honest, I was so blind, that I haven't even thought that you could experience struggles of this kind. I will wait forever!

I like this game, but I'd prefer first person view.

Very nice game!

Very good game.

Good game, but needs many improvements.

Oh, I see significant improvements in 0.15 version, nice!

Very nice game!

Oh, I see. 

Then the game (especially platforming) is too difficult for me. I think you should lower the gravity, I can't perform the jump in the place where you need to open the door with blue button and squirrel tries to kill you.

Also I think that the demo mission (platforming forest) is a bit unsuitable for the game (kill-everything laboratories and outposts), though I respect your vision on how it should be (I haven't played the game yet, only demo, so honestly I can't know if the demo is suitable).

Also I want to say that I like the game: music, gameplay, dialogs and jokes, the sprites and animations. There are many interesting details, like the chicken rotating its head while I move the mouse.

P. S.

 Thanks, now I hate squirrels.

This appears when I start the game on any difficulty.

There is a problem with windows demo:

Nice game, but needs serious improvements.

Oh, sometimes it's hard to finish a game.

Pretty nice game for a start, please keep creating! I like the tiled snake body.