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A member registered Mar 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your game! It's really cool XD!

yes! it's from bilibili, a china video share website. here is the link, I'm not sure whether you can click it. I copied the link and it showed in Chinese. Maybe try to click it:  【小游戏】用最简单的画面做出了最强游戏性?!极简风格塔防类幸存者《唯一的塔(The Only Tower)》游玩解说流程_哔哩哔哩bilibili

The player didn't comment on the game but only tried to play his best. The comment below the video are discussing the game design and mechanisms.

He cites your link on the bottom of the description of the video.

btw, its from bilibili:【小游戏】用最简单的画面做出了最强游戏性?!极简风格塔防类幸存者《唯一的塔(The Only Tower)》游玩解说流程_哔哩哔哩bilibili, probably you'd like to find out some other comments

Maybe add a visual pool of how many mobs are there in the next round, and when you select the difficulty, add the mobs into the pool. the pool then disappear (maybe all the mobs animate out of the camera area) and get game started. Help player know what will they face next. XD

I watched other streamer played your game and got an inspiration. How about you select the difficulty first, then select the level up and the higher difficulty you add, you can have stronger weapon.


cool game! But I found if you go up to the boss, the boss cannot hit you. You can still use X to hit the boss.