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Alauda Stellaris

A member registered Dec 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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this had me absolutely cracking up, good work and solid commentary to boot. made me think about some things I hadn’t considered

Hi! We’re aware of the issue and we’re working on a fix.

oh gosh it’s 0430

Hey y’all! If you’re downloading from here, here’s info from the game page you should know:

Note: In order to troubleshoot some glitches the game engine’s plugin export while getting this entry in on time, we had to implement a temporary workaround that packages the game engine into the download. This will be fixed as soon as possible.

The game is still completely playable. Just look for the SLIDE.exe or SLIDE.x11.64 file and launch it!

That makes sense! It was just a little jarring to name my character after myself and then get called “he” straight away, so I wanted to check. I’m looking forward to seeing more of the story you have planned!

This seems really interesting! I’m looking forward to digging into it a little deeper.

Are there any plans to allow you to customize your character’s gender – or better yet, specify preferred pronouns/nouns (woman/man/person, etc.)?