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A member registered Mar 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks. I realize I used the music symbol for my mute button. Meant to add music, yet didn’t get a chance to. So that just muted the sound effects.

Thank you for the feedback. This was my first game jam, and still learning GameMaker. Collision would be fixed if I designed my own character sick it has to do w/ player size vs tile size since I did collision’s based on my tiles in a tile set. I just used a bunch of free assets to focus on coding the mechanics. Someone else made same comment about slowness, yet tweaking the speed that far in development caused the player to fall off ledges too easily so decided to leave as is to get it in on time. If I revamped it, I would start with refining the movement and then building the levels around that.

Figured out how to attack, you have to click on them while the boss is next to you. Some levels you press W to go up, others you have to hold spacebar. Interesting that the bosses are random every time you boot up the game.

I was aware of the key, yet looks like I was tapping it and not holding. Also, congrats on 2nd place. Was a fun game.

With no way to restart a level, I kept softlocking myself out of the levels that have a narrow entry you have to go through by taping over them. So had to restart the whole game a couple of times. Besides that, it was a very fun game to play.