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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

Recent community posts

I don't know if it's intentional but I've seen some blobs hit enemies for zero damage.

I really enjoy this game. The one thing I'd love to see is something that could adjust the speed of the game. Sometimes it takes a bit to really get going

Yeah, I ended up purposely dying because the frame rate had dropped so low. Also, after taking enough saw speed upgrades the saws started not displaying correctly and it was hard to gauge where they were actually going to hit.

Beat my highscore by a bit :)

My best so far:

Grey Goo + Golden Goo is by far the best combo i've seen. I beat every boss in about 2 rounds and the last boss was like 4 rounds. Each Golden Goo was dealing about 200 damage.

(1 edit)

Fun game!

One problem i found is that you can place bookshelves and TV's for 0 cost and then sell them for 1. So i would place every one i drew, sell them all, and use the "draw new hand" until I have enough resources to do anything I want

Two bugs I found:

1.  When fighting the Bee with music and sfx muted when it goes into red mode the sound comes back on.

2. When you beat the frog the second time the text says "Not even with this cursed sword I can beat you" I think it's supposed to be  "can I beat you"

I like the change to the floor skipping event. Previously there was no reward and no reason to use it, this gives you something for losing out on upgrades.