This looks like a fine PlayStation 1 tree, but a Playstation 2's capacity is far above this in terms of polycount and texture quality. I appreciate the attempt, but I'm unfortunately feeling this wasn't what I asked for.
Starry Skydancer
Recent community posts
Hello, I would like to discuss the licence to this in addition to all your other free assets.
I am a user of Mobius Grid, which is just one instance of the "Opensim" metaverse, and I would like to adapt your assets to use there to:
Build my own environments which may be used to sell other products.
Sell in-game items which other people may use to do the same.
Give people the right to screenshot environments that include the assets, including for commercial purposes.
Thank you for your time!
Thank you for the reply! I wish to import these into a metaverse platform to use as ground textures.
I can credit you in some ways, for example I can put your name in the texture description if I allow anybody else to texture their land with it.
(I'm not sure if you're ok with this, they won't be getting the original files, just an ability to apply the texture to their inworld objects.)
If I apply your texture on my land, then I could install a credits board or a "click for credit" object on my land.
There are some ways that I can't really credit, such as when people take screenshots of my land, some of these people taking screenshots may be profiting off of those screenshots in some way.