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A member registered Feb 07, 2017

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(2 edits)

First off, fantastic game! 

  • I love the creative mechanics and the way they slowly get introduced and build on one another (angled door to magnetized angled door, magnetized platforms to magnetized platforms that push buttons, etc.)
  • Puzzle design was on point in that it was challenging enough to make me want to keep playing but not so challenging it was irritating to figure out the solution
  • The character feels fun and flowy to control. I found myself just jumping around and seeing if I could catch the magnet mid-air. (I played with controller so my input here really only applies to that)
  • The art. Oh my god the art. So pretty and consistent. Both the character and the magnet have such vibrant personalities just from their designs.

I did notice a few things, however

  • Being able to move while aiming would be a nice QoL feature. There were a few times I wasn't quite lined up where I needed to be and it was a touch annoying to have to realign myself.
  •  I know this is a very small sample size of levels and (based off your video, at least) it sounds like they were made in quick succession to one another but a few of them did feel very samey. I.E. use magnet to hold open door, go through door without magnet, and then change polarity to drop the magnet onto something else.

Not complaints or bugs or anything, just some stuff I personally think would be cool

  • I think this set of mechanics that you currently have could really lend itself to a few levels that are a bit more fast paced and "parkour" oriented. For example: The magnet starts stuck to the ceiling, you have to change polarity, catch it mid-air, then change back, and you keep jumping from one beam to another, making sure to change polarity in between jumps. Stuff like that. Obviously that wouldn't be the whole level as this is a puzzle game but it would be a VERY fun mode of transport in between parts of the same level. This could also benefit from a sprint mode or increased player speed in general.
  • I'm not sure what your plans are in regards to level variation in terms of foreground/background design but I personally would love to see these cutesy friends explore different places especially with your wonderful eye for pixel art. It would be a good opportunity to introduce zone-specific mechanics too. But, as always, more does not necessarily equal better with mechanics.

All in all, wonderful game/demo. I'm extremely excited to see where this goes and this demo placed Untitled Magnet Game IMMEDIATELY into my watchlist.

Fantastic game!