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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

Recent community posts

IM SO PROUD OF YOU FOR YOUR ACADEMICS!!!!!! Great accomplishment!! I want to say that it saddens me that your passion for both computer science AND Game dev didnt get a chance to blossom at the same time, but i would rather you be happy and confident in your pursuits than feel regret. 

I love your games and I see how much heart you put into them, if in the future you have the time and desire to keep creating your games I want to be here to support you !! 

Your life is yours, and I hope your passion is put to use in your life. Im sure when you have the time and the energy to continue Vincent, you will. For now I want to let you know that your efforts to make a good game was worth the stress. I LOVED your games. and i love seeing how your brain worked. from the games themselves. Only someone like you could make games as great as these because theyre from your heart. 

Sending you love and care!!

AMAZING ARTWORK !! fun, short and leaves you yearning for more. i really enjoyed this set up and the colors of the house. really cool!!!!!!

I super didnt even see the lgbt tag so having a murder lesbian as a mc was a GREAT shock. after seeing how much you can bond with mint and thier relationship, its very sweet to learn shes more than just a Milf...but a milf who loves women. So awesome. barely relevant to game play but its so nice to see as a lover of these types of games. 

LOVE THIS GAME!!! not only is the lgbt rep cool but the game play is fun and the story is actually cute to be honest. at least how it ended up lol, i mean mint and magnolias relationship. very sweet. I got ending A <333