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A member registered Apr 04, 2020

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(1 edit)

You should! Doesn't cost anything, really simple to set up too.


Do you have a discord channel for this game?

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I would tell you names of the quests, but my save is gone somehow... :( 

But in short, I got enough wood to get the upgrade for water (80), then used it on water. But didn't have enough axes to keep producing wood. Since I didn't the 5 axes needed, I could not produce more wood. Since 3 wood is required per hardwood, and however many hardwood are needed for an axe, it's stuck. 

Like you said if I had made it to the tasks, there is the chance that I could have been lucky enough to get a task which would reward me with wood. But if the task was to produce wood, hardwood, or axes, I would still have been stuck.

Why did you stop releasing a desktop version where we have access to backup our game save? -EDITED I say this because I played shortly after you released the game, checking back often for updates, until you took your break and then recently came and saw you had made progress. 

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I already had gotten that reward I believe. I'm currently on the Glass Pass quest. Which you guessed it, is based on hardwood production. Are you able to edit my save to fix this?

Alright, good to know that's what is doing it. But correct, it reset on a refresh. Also I just started Stage 2 and spent the wood on the water upgrade, which leaves me with not enough wood to create hardwood. No more wood = no hardwood = no axes = no wood.. help? I thought stage 2 would reset when I metastasized, but nope.

Just refreshed my page, and it looks like it must be time spent in the session? The number reset in the formula

What is it causing iron/copper to increase production amount over time? This effectively causes the iron/copper ore production to drop below the required amount / sec over time.