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A member registered Aug 25, 2020

Recent community posts

Feel quite foolish, found the button to open the temple. Took me a minute

Hello! I'm a free player (I would support with patreon but I am short on cash right now) and I love your game! I am wondering how far I can actually progress in the free build, because currently I have reached the village and I have not found a way to progress from there. I may just be missing something huge knowing me. Thanks for any help and all the great game design you do , keep doing what you are doing! <3

ideas here:

teachers that you can pull into the lockers?

different forms of intercourse that you can somehow select (e.g. oral, anal, etc.)

i know this has been mentioned a lot but i'ma say it again because i love the idea: 2 or more in one locker. maybe you can only do this in a select few places (like a bigger locker or something, idk)

maybe the ability to cum on instead of in?

perhaps some girls investigate instead of running when they see the girl leave the locker. these curious girls could have a special interaction inside the locker because they were already horny?

looking forward to any new update on this game, love it. <3 i wish i could show you my support in dollars rather than words but i have no money as of now.