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A member registered Feb 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Agree with Maladroit. Nice compact challenge. And you don't worry about how many levels to go! Many thanx.

Clever. Interesting mechanics. Enjoyed it. Thanx.

Very nice puzzle design. Very hazardous walking around but a good challenge and a fun game. And just the right amount of levels, too. Thanx.

Short but w/ a few good Sokoban levels. Thanx.

Very nice. Challenging w/out being maddening. I liked the clean lines too. Thanx.

What more may one say? Another fun challenge. Thanx.

Sokoban (and its many variants such as the Cove games) is the greatest puzzle game ever invented. (Sorry, Tetris.) Somewhat similar to Bricks (or Klocki), it has one simple rule, you can push crates but not pull them. Out of this thousands of great puzzles, from easy to impossible, have been constructed. Any player needs a familiarity with Sokoban to complete any of the Cove games. However, you're only doing yourself a big favor by learning Sokoban.

Level 2 requires you to open the gate so you can move the boxes up top. But if you're serious about this I'd suggest you tackle the first Cove game first. Or play some online Sokoban to hone your warehouse maneuvers.

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WWWW, it's the Wacky World Wide Web!

Lucky 13. Lucky because my axons were on their last legs. I was calculating at the end that if levels 14-15 get any harder, I'm toast. Liked this one as much as Cavemount. Felt more like a game, that is, more to do with figuring out puzzles than rules. Anyway, you rule. Thanx again.

Did I "WiN"? Hard to tell at end. Spent ten minutes exploding boxes. But a very nice game, that sorely needs either save points or a restore button. Also, took a while to tell the game pieces from the background. A nice concept with some clever puzzles that could use refining. Thanx.

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WNNR, my favorite radio station.

Nearly Trove me crazy a couple of times, but another thrilling puzzle ride. Not sure how many more "rules" my poor brain can process. Guess we're lucky we only face one set at a time. And that is not a suggestion! Thanx, Hemp, encore. (Six hours since it dropped and I still can't get in ahead of the walkthrough?)

Tricky & entertaining. Thanx.

Entertaining block pusher. I liked the graphics, too. Easy to read and for once the avatar is not a solid-color block. Perhaps a bit too easy?  Thanx

Not listed with the other "cove" games, hmm. 'Nother good puzzle challenge. Had to guess at some of the "rules." Like who overprints or pushes whom, and when you can dash to the flag for the finish, but minor concerns. Thanx once again.

Are we saving the jellyfish? Looks an awful lot like deep-sixing them.

There are no real bonus levels because the first player to solve them all slyly asks who else has? Unless it's really unsolvable,  in which case it shouldn't be included.

 An odd theme (you likely didn't grow up on Long Island) but very good and challenging puzzles. Many thanx.

 Hold on, is this our trusty avatar or a well-armed ladybug seen from the back?

You answered your own question! Push things against it to build up strength. Good luck.

Grid & bear it. That was challenging, though I struggled with the last level more'n I should've. I confess here that I placed an "hourglass" atop three black squares to try to "permatize" the "Beaten" text. And was sorely disappointed when I thought I'd succeeded. Oh well. Another fab puzzle experience. Though I'm not sure how much longer my nerves will hold out. Thanx agin.

There's only one thing on the board that doesn't die on the spikes . . . and congrats for not succumbing to the walkthrough. The only way not to beat a puzzle is to check the walkthrough. Because then you can never do it yourself.

Starts out deceptively easy . . .  Thought I'd get lost in the cavern there, but managed to feel my way out. Another good puzzle with an added layer of creepy atmosphere. Was the 18+ check at the outset for real or a joke?

Interesting learning curve. Have to manage those resources! Clever, fun puzzle. Thanx.

More interesting Sokoban variation than I was expecting. Makes for an enjoyable and challenging puzzle. Especially the dark eyes. Thanx.

Another fun push-me-pull-you. Thanx.

Thank god for trial and error. I'm not sure how I solved about half of those. But another excellent puzzle. Still no mercy for the automatic saveless. Thanx encore.

You can't stop there! One level? An excellent one, yes, but forlorn. Oh, well. I thought maybe you could push the blocks into the tunnels and smash them through the side walls or maybe build an escape tower. Anyway, another fun puzzle. Thanx again.

Was doing okay until the lower left. But with a lot of experimentation and a little luck I got through. Excellent, clever puzzle. A lot of game packed into a small (sometimes very small) space. Thanx.

Very good puzzles and game, thanx. Took a while to figure out how it worked, but was challenging w/out being too hairy.

Fun game. A bit of a downer ending but good mechanics. Thanx. I'm assuming that's a line of mouse traps at the end?

A year ago? Well, worth the wait. Short, brain-stretching and sweet. Another excellent puzzle. Thanx.

That last section took an imaginative "leap," but I finally made it. Good puzzle, clever mechanics. Thanx.

Another good expansion pack. I like the bridges, too. Now, if one could shoot up through the bridge, so that the rock fell on the bridge instead of you . . . Just a thought. Level 20 looks impossible. Had to be something. Finally found it. Tricky, but clever. Thanx again.

Nice update! Numbering the levels would help me, i.e., lvl 6 of 9. Keep up the good work. 

Would still like a way to dodge the falling rocks but maybe that's asking for too much. Possibly a one second delay that the avatar could move left or right during? Just supposing.

Short but good. Last level in particular shows how game-play might be developed, expanded. I left a little sad I couldn't work that topmost falling rock into the solution.

And I'm off and . . . crawling, again. Thanks, Steve. Game hasn't gotten any easier but my lost-progress fears have eased. One, perhaps, tip for Firefox: I unchecked my offline data box in the clear cache box (ctrl+shift+del) and that allows me (so far) to keep my game save. Not sure if this works in other browsers.

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Agree wholeheartedly about download. The game is great, but too hard to be played (at least by me) in a browser. Too worried about cookies disappearing. I spent, back in January, about 2 weeks and solved about 20 puzzles. Very hard, but very good. Just the kind of puzzle game you'd like to take your sweet time over. In the old days one used to be able to back up one's game saves, offline. Is that at all possible? These days, dealing with the browser cookie cache is like a moon launch. Either way, great game Steve.

Glad I found out about no save after I finished. Unconventional but a lot of fun. Liked the creative solutions. Could have done with clearer sound clues and I had to shrink my screen to access the inventory. Thanks again, Colorbomb. (I know that mouse is glad the cat's stuck in that grate.)

Fun variation on Sokoban, thanks. I like how it makes you think about the entire square, all four sides.

Very nice puzzle design. Challenging without being confusing. You can see how it works as you move along. A couple of sneaky moves at the end that I largely stumbled over, but excellent short game. Thanks.

Played it till the cows came home. Fun, short Sokoban variant. Thanks. Took a bit to figure out the mechanics and which way the cow would turn. Also the barn door openings.

How did I miss this for 5 years? Have long thought Sokoban and a maze could combine for a good game. This one is an excellent example. Thanks.