I appreciate the feedback and you are correct, this is in fact the four of us's first attempt at publishing a game and most of what you are seeing was mostly the work of only 2 of us, the rest is still unfinished. We're all fresh out of uni and do not have any budget whatsoever. We are currently trying to get the idea itself out there in hopes of getting more support for the project. I'm not the one who made the art myself but i am grateful for the incredible work they provided entirely voluntarily. This game, as you have probably surmised, is extremely early in developement and, as summarised in the description, only one portion of the game is actually at a playable state.
The story is not intended to be serious and yes, this game is very much not finished. Also yes this game was tested by friends and family, it is through such testing that the tutorial popups are even there to begin with among other small details.
Ultimately, we still have a long way to go and it is not easy. we intend to add cutscenes at the begining and end of each route, fix the game balance (in particular the over abundance of money) among other things besides what is mentioned in the description.