When will the game be released?
Wird es diesen Monat ein neues Spiel geben?
Ist die Geschichte des Spiels in der Schule oder im Krankenhaus?
When is the new game coming out?
What is the release date of the game?
Will the new game be released in 2025?
Thank you, we are waiting for new games
When will the new game be released? I am curious❤️❤️
When is the release date of the new game?
Continue with your cartoon and be successful with all your might
Will a new game be made?
What will be the next game?
When will the update come?
When is the next update?
Will the final update of the new game be made?
I with I'm playing on the computer, but
can't see the last boss
Why is the bass not visible?
When is the next update? I like the game
Are we close to the update?
When will you update the date? Thank you
The game is coming this month
Is there an update in November?
Is there an update next month?
Thank you, I am curious what will be the next update
Why is the update late?
It was a good game, I can't pay much, if you can, please make it free, thanks