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Sri Kumaran

A member registered Mar 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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I just noticed played this today, The positioning of the camera IS buggy. I admit that this was done as a "last minute" thing, So please overlook these bugs, Thank you!

Thank You

What am I supposed to do in this game?

Should I collect the duct tape?

Or just escape the Spikes?

The issues with the camera may be that you can't see the first two turrets in the map,

 or that majority of the map was blue. 

First one was a issue that only occured in the build version of this game. 

The second one was intentional as the map was not fully fleshed out yet.

 I apologize for not creating a polished game when I could have, If you could comment on the gameplay of the game, It would be much appreciated.