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A member registered Feb 22, 2021

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K thx man

I'm used to wasd with the ability to change weapons with number keys and the current way to switch weapons is annoying because you have to hit enter twice to pause the game and to switch weapons you have press a certain key.

Sure I read the control sheet but it's weird as hell and almost impossible for me to get used to but I asked how to change these controls because they aren't comfortable to use and I'm not used to it at all.

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How the heck do you change the controls? These controls are hard for me to get used to and I've been mashing every button on my keyboard to try and change it but all it did was take me back to the main menu!

Why would they if this is OG Doom style?

You fucking fool! Have this photo from inside the game's files.

(1 edit)

Game freezes upon starting the app if I click and when I press enter to start the game it freezes as well with no way to get any further than a black screen. Help pls. Also what the fuck would even cause such a thing if I installed the game in the exact way you're supposed to?