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A member registered Jun 12, 2019

Recent community posts

(3 edits)

Game feedback:

+ Big annoying circle ball

+ Far-scoping hard to change position

+ Flying upto the sky issue

+ I kill him first, he continue shooting for seconds, we both died though he died first

+ Spawning with no ground under the feet

+ Spawning killed issue

+ Spawning out of space and falling down issue

+ Spawning above/under someone

+ Spawning inside a block and stucked

+ Spawning and exploded

+ 6 players spawned in the same place !

+ Unable to join

+ Unable to leave

+ Loading for so long

+ Impossible for aiming far distance with sniper ???

+ Death but still moving and killing

Game suggestion:

- Default weapon to use

+ Reduce time to change weapon

- Select scoping to use ingame

+ Easier to use scope

- Select place to spawn, will be spawned somewhere safe and nearest

+ Reduce being spawn killed

+ Reduce spawn in same place

- First 2 seconds

+ Animation with a shield or repeating full-red custom and normal custom

+ Impossible to kill someone, but also imortal to be killed

My opinion is to

[4] Knife

+ Close range

+ Fastest

+ Deal least damage

[5] Ace

+ Close range

+ Slowest

+ Deal most damage

[1, 2, 3] Right click, using gun to hit others

+ Close rang

+ Slower

+ Deal less damage

My opinion is to:

A) Sneak:
+ Animation: The egg is compressed down and reduce 0.5 block pixel

+ The aiming will be more accurated, easier for aiming, reduce scoping tme

+ The movement will be slower

B) Rush:

+ Reduce accuracty by 50%, harder for aimng

+ Player speed increase by 50%

C) Climb:

+ Move up on the ladder only

+ Slower to climb up than move around

+ Sneak to hold position, but less accurated than normal sneak

Game suggestion:

- Can you add sneak, rush, climb (more than just jumping around) or something to the player ?

- Can you add melee weapon like knife, ace or just punching around too ?

- Can you add emoji tab bar to the game too UwU ?

What happended to the team game mode, the circle is big and annoyed. Can you fix this