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A member registered May 16, 2022

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First of all: Nice job! The game played quite well.

Key Data:

Version: 2.0

Playtime: 20 min

Input: Mouse and Keyboard

Default Settings

The experience of the game was nice overall. Nothing that pulled me in completely, but a few nice Aha-Moments and nothing overly frustrating.

I experienced no bugs during my playtime.

The rise in and level of difficulty was appropriate my personal taste and the game being in a demo state. 

I was able to intuit my way through the earlier levels and had to plan a little in the later levels without getting stuck.

The hub reminded me of the old Lego star wars games, but was quite barren. Throwing the magnet into a tube to open a gate felt unintuitive and al little bit tedious.

It would be nice to have some elements from the levels in the hub to be able to play around and familiarize yourself with the Gameplay elements.

The thin platforms that let the magnet, but not the player pass through looked quite a lot like platforms in other jump and run games, that allow the player to pass through if they press the down key.

This felt a tad unintuitive.

In the earlier levels it seemed always possible to get back to the status quo after messing up. It felt a little bit jarring to use the reset button for the first time in level 5.

The revolving door in level 6 was positioned in a way, that I had a hard time to tell if it would block the magnet-block from passing when rotated. This could be seen either as a good or bad thing.

It was one of the first things that I tested after playing around (just by chance) and getting it to activate remote was still a nice challenge, but I could see it being frustrating to not be able to solve a puzzle because you misinterpreted the parameters.

A particularly nice experience was when I thought I got stuck in level 4 and then figured out a way to get unstuck without resetting. The solution was quite close to the levels solution and solving two puzzles at once felt rewarding.

In my opinion the game is lacking most in classical "game features". With one objective and only one degree of success per level and no structure in the hub it felt a little bit like ticking boxes on a list with no room for overachieving or exploring.

One weird thing: The "Thanks for playing" level moved in a weird way. I was unsure if something else was supposed to happen or if the movement itself was a bug.

Overall: Solid basis and while this demo didn't make me exited to play the final game, it still was a lot of fun with only minor annoyances and I'm exited to see the next YouTube update.