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A member registered Aug 23, 2020

Recent community posts

YES! lets gooo! thats amazing.  Also, Thanks for making such an amazing couple of games. im constantly replaying both

can you seduce miranda

would prefer fore. but is good 2nd

I don't know but with the play tests I've done, it seems unavailable 

Sean is still being worked on.  Just hang in there sean lovers.

Based what i know. A month or 2 from now

Im working on writings for sean. Helping whitecrocus. But for right now i need to experiment with the characters and see what needs writing. but if he needs more for later affection levels. I'll add it to the list

Its saying its an invalid email

Really, really, really fun game. I would love to support the game, but i dont have any money right now. So maybe i could do some writing if that would help. Its ok if you dont like that idea. I just want to support the game in some way

will their be a mobile version?