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A member registered Oct 21, 2015 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

The project at this stage is very unusual graphically and in terms of plot development.

A bit of psychology and philosophical categories.
The atmosphere and sound are just good.

Knock on closed doors - they can be opened. But what awaits you after them? It can break or strengthen you.
So the stubborn mouse looks for a path but finds a trap.

Good luck, guys.

Thanks for the trial. I look forward to continuing.

Quite a grim experiment, but the research goal is significant.

The soul wanders in the dark in search of a cure (or oblivion?).

Themed puzzles, the search for pills, endless staircases, cute conversations with a doctor, distorted sketches of consciousness and statues of mechanical birds - an impression in the Gothic style.

Passed in Steam. An ambiguous impression leaves after the end of the game. The boat is found, but this is not a happy ending.

PS: Played the first day - even more stairs, a music puzzle, a visit to the doctor. The style and graphics are great.
"Weevil" came for a short time and locked his demons in cages, promising to return in full embodiment.

The original slasher with a gothic girl in the title role
+ Peppy short gameplay
+ Nice Unity graphics
+ Good sound and ambient+ Similarity to Alice: Madness RETURNS

+ Funny main boss

-Lack of English
-Periodic stuck in textures
-Almost complete absence of AI in zombies

This is cute and curious.