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A member registered Jul 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Pointy top nooooo!

This looks phenomenal

Fantastic job

Yep it's a fun idea.

Gunface is meta

Thank you so much for allowing us to download these backgrounds for free. I appreciate it and they are wonderful.

The kitty looks suspicious.

How the heck did I not see this before?

32x is too mainstream:3

How did I miss this? You have done a great job.

Julian wants to know why you put him in a game :3

Space food :)

6x6 pixels? I'm calling the police!

Oh heck yeah that's what they're for :)

This right here is meta.

Very cool!

I'm like a mermaid: all floppy on land.

Is that a middle finger status effect?

Thanks! These aren't abandoned by any means, I'm just busy working on something else right now.

Hello. I am here to ask all of the questions that are already answered in the asset description. :3 Thanks for these asset packs btw.

I use game maker and have since like v3. In v6 there were some sprites included and one of them was a spaceship sprite that I uploaded for free on AOL when  I was like 12.

Ye Olde Nyne-Slyce :3

Very nice; thank you!

Whoa! Great music!

I like the lions.

Here's the super cut :D

I'm actually developing something with gothicvania assets right now :3

Who you calling a dummy?

(2 edits)

In all fairness sir, the "natural predators" of a chicken don't exist anywhere outside of Southeast Asia (since we are being super technical); foxes aren't the ones that walk to the chickenwire barrier, reach through the wire, grab a hen around the throat, pull its head through the gaps in the chickenwire, gnaw off the hen's head, drink the blood that squirts out, and then release the hen and walk off. There are also minks, who will enter a coop through an inch gap, kill everything inside, rip it to shreds, consume nothing, then enter your house, open up all of your DVDs and put them in the wrong cases, put your toilet seats up, and leave for no particular reason. I also did say "nighttime" raids.

These are so good

No don't worry about my comment lol; I'm just a huge chicken nerd lol. Related note: I just found out that the feral cat house that I put out for the stray cats had a raccoon living in the bottom :| It lived in the bottom and a big stray cat lived in the top :| WTH is even going on anymore?

Great game; I raise chickens and the reality is that foxes are not the culprits of nighttime henhouse raids. You wouldn't think it's true, but it's mainly raccoons and sometimes opossums; both of these animals have a particular feeding tactic which I will not describe here, but let's say it matches closely with the feeding tactic of a certain mythological creature.

Looks great.

Good colors and variety; this is a good pack thank you.

What kind of "not virus" is this? Is this the kind that's actually a virus? :)

The preview is a dead link.

This font is perfect!

I walk up stairs with my fists out too :)

Thanks for the free update i will gladly hand over another 15 for it when I get home :)

Punchy frog; nice.