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A member registered Apr 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Congratulations on finishing your game!

We had a great time playing this on our final day at our camp yesterday. I put it on the big screen and we all especially enjoyed the Treasure Island level.

I think the comment from BlankShade is very kind and has a lot of great information.

Homemade art is always a plus and the quit button is something that even the students at our camp didn't implement.

I wish I could post their games but that was up to them and they ran out of time trying to make sure everything was exporting properly.

Thank you for submitting and let me know if you have any questions!

That's okay, Go Zags! 

Loved the puns and the game was fun to play.

Thank you for a great submission!

The music was great, i enjoyed the puzzle solving with the different animals, and the maze at the end had me stuck for a while.