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A member registered Oct 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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really happy to hear that. i have plans for a candy cutter 2 and 3, pretty sure 2 will come release this halloween but i dont wanna make any promises

this was pretty funny and had some good moments. great work seriously! haha

i have an image of the map and his patrol points in my discord somewhere. the patrol points are random but helpful to know. but yeah collecting candy and hiding is the way to go

got a NEW GAME coming around may 30th, maybe sooner maybe later. Look out for that if youre interested

hahahahhahah mannnn thank you im happy to hear that 

thanks a lot, really appreciate it. 

it took around 5 days more or less. most of the time was spent on the map and making all the map assets. and i used an asset called "game creator" to make it without coding as i had barely any time left for the halloween deadline. started really late on this sadly, so a lot of features and ideas didnt make it.

man this looks so good

haha loved it man! glad you had fun

thanks a lot bro

thanks a lot tab :D new update is out check it out when you can

thanks for playing HAPPY HALLOWEEN :D gotta fix it though too many bugs right now