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A member registered Sep 11, 2023

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Make a new joke already! Get touched by someone, please

At this point the most they can do is just credit him as a writer or co-writer since he's no longer the lead. His tweet suggested he was going to take legal action (which I hope he isn't trying), so I hope they can figure this one out. Like I said above (don't know why so many downvotes?), EP has every right to protect what is theirs since it's under their name and the people who originally made TSR's concepts

Get out of your bed and get a hobby

(2 edits)

@Valisie He announced this on his twitter, and he will not be winning this lol. He's working under their IP and in case he doesn't know how branding or business works, his material falls under their copyright, and they have every right to withhold their property. People keep forgetting the writers of Echo were involved in writing TSR too, not just GS. He's mad he's not allowed to work on the game, and to spite them he's trying to get it back from the people he worked for.

(edit) Also want to point out, he does not own any characters, nor any of the art and is not the original creator of TSR anyway. How is he going to gain copyright for all of that?

Like I said before, he ain't gonna choose you lil bro. He ain't into you 💀

source: trust me bro

Will be happily checking you guys out soon. Really sorry for everything yall are being put up with.

There's a lot more about his previous behaviors that were brought to light which is why he was already disliked by many, though that's a whoooooole different loophole to explain it in words

I used to be that way years ago, but that's how I found some of my favorite foods down the line haha. I just tell people to at least try it once, and if they don't fw it, then that's their choice. Everyone's tastes are different :P

this is the best comment here lol

You eat and move in bed, wow! Have you ever thought of going outside though? Get some nice fresh air and absorb some vitamin D? 

Not with that attitude :)

waffle dude in here is literally filling up 80% of the comments 💀💀💀

*going to bed

please let the door hit you on the way out

Right, you're in bed, in the same spot as you were 9 hours ago. Still covered in trash, typing away like a true keyboard warrior. Everyone thinks you're very powerful.

If you're sick, go to the hospital. At least I can say I have real people to talk to 🤷‍♂️

I'm in college and have a part time job surrounded by real friends. I'm quite happy where I am in life. I almost feel bad for you, but you should try going outside once in a while :)

*have a lie

you really are unsavable lol

You're still at it??? I was here literally 9 hours ago and you're still seething LMAO. Actual unemployed single troglodyte 

Leaving one last reply on here, because frankly I think a lot of us, including myself are wasting our time. You are quite literally the definition of:

You can say “I like pancakes” and somebody will say “So you hate waffles?” No bitch, that’s a whole new sentence wtf is you talkin bout

Literally nobody has said that lmfao. As stated above in my initial comment, please touch grass and find yourself a real person to get yourself off to. Have a pleasant morning/day/evening... or not.

Please refer yourself to the nearest hospital. You don't seem okay. You keep going around in circles.

The only sad thing about you is that your life seems to be surrounded by this one and only novel because your favorite writer is involved and got caught being stupid online. People like you, need to understand that from a PR standpoint, GS does not, and hasn't been creating a good look for the Echo team and what they stand for. Welcome to the real world. Sorry that everything isn't cupcakes and rainbows.

(1 edit)

Oh, so you admit that you DO sleep in a bed filled with junk as you simp over "On Cap" dude as you're typing away all this nonsense. Thanks for clarifying, have a nice day :)

You're the only person in this entire comment section that is complaining about people hating anyone on the gay spectrum when nobody has even insinuated that. You're typing away like a true reddit mod in his bed stuffed with water bottles, trash and leftover food you forgot to put away at night. If you're really that attached to the TSR and its characters, consider getting yourself a real partner. I hear that Match and Dating(dot)com are a great way to get yourself a head start.

He ain't gonna choose you lil' bro. That's what is called "whining" online. People can choose what they can do to their story, whether it's promo material or not. Whining enough and spamming your contempt for someone's decision in your other servers is harassment.

The lot of you don't go outside and it shows. If you can't distinguish what "opinions" are from blatant harassment, then yall need help. On cap dude was taken off because he went all bitchy to another creator and whined about it in literally every server he was in. This is a situation of "FAFO". He had it coming unfortunately but hope that yall can find someone fitting to take the role of TSR. To the 20 people whining and unsubscribing to the Patreon, please go outside and touch grass.