easy cheesy
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these games are GREAT!!! you are my deep inspiration.. i cried and laughed many times, i experienced things not fit for words. i bought The Sea Will Claim Everything around 7 years ago, and i have been saving it for the most beautiful moment to play.. think im gonna play it with my wife soon. cheers :) i love your creations. bless you && bless your makings!!!
Very cool experience. Though the atmosphere was creepy, sometimes it gave a really relaxing atmosphere and was a nice tribute to Knightmare, the music was really nice, i would just do other things with the game and music running :D i really liked the stories random moments of anomalies occurring in the show, like the apparition in season 4 finale and the chicken weeping incident. I even took notes of stuff trying to connect it. It feels like exploring SCP for the first time, but all the anomalies are related to one show, which is interesting. :) Good stuff
thank you for fixing, but now i get an error that says "The procedure entry point _ZNSt6thread15_M_start_threadEst10unique_ptrlNS_6_StateESt14default_deleteIS1_EEPFvvE could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Users\speedos\Desktop\Gates of Hades\Gates of Hades ALPHA.exe
at least that is what i think it says, i can't copy it, some of the "I"s may be a large I or small L
i made a screenshot, here: