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A member registered Mar 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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always study up before you make the choice.

(2 edits)

you could just do a virtual machine if you have a good pc. Or if you have alot of storage on your pc you could partition your drive for a duel boot to have linux and windows. If you ever want to get rid of linux you can delete it and repartition your drives to be all part of windows. If you ever want to do that just look it up on youtube, there are a ton of tutorials and they are mainly pretty good. But be safe If your messing with your computer like that.

are you gonna try and get a version on linux as well. would be lovely.


just wiped out tomato tow

genuinely a epic game

exert your will, more like fuck off ghoul.


yeah it is really easy to get him stuck there, and you can not get him out.

epic glittches

will you also be adding a setting menu, to change controls and what not

good to know, i have more stuff to look forward too.

really awesome game, i think you did a really really really great job on it, I don't think I have beaten it yet, and it seems to me there are a lot of hidden things that I have yet to find.

pretty epic game, but i never managed to find the second ending

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that old man is too good at checkers