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A member registered Nov 17, 2015

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Awesome! Good to hear this, as it was kind of frustrating trying to deal with enemies/ledges that I couldn't see. Perhaps it would be possible to outline the boundaries of obscured terrain with a simple wireframe when the player character is walking behind foreground terrain? Without camera rotation, that is the only idea I can think of to indicate to the player where it is safe to walk. Either that or make the  obstructing foreground terrain become transparent/semi-transparent, but I am not sure how complicated or resource demanding that would be.

(1 edit)

Lower-elevation terrain and enemies that are "behind" higher-elevation terrain are completely hidden (can't see enemies or where it is safe to walk). This is mainly and issue when the random level 'seed' that is generated places a higher-elevation area directly in "front" (from the camera's perspective) of a lower-elevation path (or an area that contains enemies). In this situation, you can see your character silhouette  to get a bearing on your position, BUT you can't see the terrain (or where the terrain ends) or any enemies (they do not have silhouettes). My only solution was to try and bait them out from "behind" the obstructing higher-elevation places on the map. The ability to rotate the camera would help alleviate this issue, as it is impossible to gauge where the obscured terrain ends (which lead to a few cheap instances of walking off an edge that I could not see) or spot enemies (which lead to moments of getting attacked by enemies that I could not see). This also occurs, though to a much more limited extent, when fighting underneath the overhanging pieces of ship hull (enemies underneath are do not have a silhouette to highlight them like the player character, so your main indication that enemies are underneath these (or concealed under the roof of those large shipping crates) is either their projectiles flying out from inside the container (may not even see the shooter, depending on how far back inside the container they are) or taking an unexpected melee hit from a foe you cannot see.

If camera rotation is not possible, due to practical limitations, I would suggest at least highlighting enemies in a similar fashion to how the player character is when they are 'behind' terrain or are otherwise obscured. However, there must also be a way to view or otherwise outline paths and terrain that is blocked from view by higher elevation terrain in the foreground. If the player is expected to travel there, such as when items, openable containers, or enemies are placed there, the player should be able to at least see where they are walking, not just moving around with their only guide being their character silhouette showing through a mountainside or through a higher-elevation area of the map, with no reference as to where the boundaries of the area are, or what enemies/hazards exist (until you blindly walk into them). 

Those issues aside, I am really enjoying the demo and am in love with the exotic and deadly atmosphere of the alien world. I look forward to updates!