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Spectral Games

A member registered Apr 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi Tacaro,

I do appreciate the feed back here. Of course what has already been spoken about in the previous comments are large facets on my mind as I look more toward other projects in the future. Thanks to you and everyone for taking a look and playing this game.

Thanks for the feedback on this. First Game Jam and published game, so I really do appreciate it.

The Enemies in the game spawn at random tile positions in the game. From what it sounds like I would need to balance their attacking a bit more. The game itself is set to restart you after death to the title screen after 3 seconds. I can also tell you that the enemies have an aggro range of 5 units from their center mass, though, you are correct that more on screen feedback would be beneficial. Thank you so much once again.