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A member registered Oct 08, 2021

Recent community posts

Any news on the next update?

Any news on the next update?

Very good, I'm excited for this update

Any news on the next update?

Understood, so long as it comes

Any news on the next update?

Alright sweet, thanks for letting us know

Wondering how the update is coming, any news on it?

Any update on it?

Got it, I'm excited for this

Any news on the next update?

Any news on the next update?

I've been awoken from my slumber once more 

Any news on the next update?

This would be a nice feature honestly, it's really the only reason why I'm kind of reluctant to repay the chapter for different paths, it takes kind of a long time

Any news on the next update?

that's good to hear, can't wait for it

Any eta on the new day?

Any news on the next update?

When's the next update?

When will day 30 come out for itch?

when will the next update be?

After day 30 will you make a lewd mod 3 or continue on in 2?

My ancient slumber has come to an end once more

When is the update?

I'm excited to see what comes in the future, 8ts playing out to be quite good so far!

Just went through 26 and I already can't wait for 27

Is there a way to see how many hearts you have for each character?

(1 edit)

Its been a while since I've done a full playthrough of the game so I'm curious, is there any lore behind Lady? Like why does she have those scars and what appear to be prosthetic limbs?

When will day 25 come out for itch?

So I'm in the peitho training base after being transferred from townhall basement and I'm lost

What route is this?

How do you change the games language to English

When does day 20 come out for itch?