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A member registered Mar 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh my gosh, I totally understand spending hours on something that was a simple concept even just trying to rework a simple thing to do what you require is a feat but you guys did amazing! You did an amazing job managing the team, art direction, and programming! You def deserve a pat on the back haha I really love your art style and the posts because each character really felt like a different customer/person this was a super cool concept and it was awesome to see it come full circle! :)

I really like this approach! I am first aid certified for my work and I totally agree that in an extreme situation, I really don't think I could actually help but It is an extremely helpful area to be knowledgeable in. I am not sure if all high schools still teach this but through the physical education most students take in grade 9 they are required to take a first aid portion and become certified. I know most people will have forgotten these classes but I am also an advocate for educational games. I am really excited to see you're approaching. Are you thinking a life-saving game or maybe a puzzle game?

(1 edit)

Hi! I really enjoyed your devlog and I'm excited to see what comes of this project. I was skeptical when I saw you chose to research the AI topic as I had also believed most people would go the "AI is destroying our jobs" or the "doomsday" route but I was glad to see you went into the thought of ethical treatment of AI. If anything you could relate this to the human condition and the current studies of apes and whether once a certain IQ is obtained whether consider these things humane and whether we should uphold the same rights. I think with how the world is going a lot is going to have to be rewritten as this is all (and always) unknown territory. I'm going to have to start saying please and thank you to AI!