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A member registered Feb 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi Jason,
I definitely like the look and feel of this first prototype! Much has already been said, but here are my (random) thoughts:

-as a player I would love the ability to discard items, without having to use them, like the "turn all spells into potions" spell. (which is a bit overpowered anyways, I think)
-I liked the fact that I couldn't see the exit right from the start, but maybe there could be a little compass heading in its general direction?
-as the core mechanic will very likely be the different items/enemy types, I think there should definitely be some variety to it:
-passive items that the player does not use up like swords/shields that increase damage/defense stats
-traps that the player can lay down to have more control over a larger area
-different spell categories like fire/water/air that work better/worse against specific enemy types
-different enemy categories, maybe even ranged ones?

I feel like the player should have to make important decisions on what items/spells to keep/discard and how to specialise himself.
-maybe there could be different classes like mage/fighter/assassin and the player can choose one starting ability, which he then can use every 5 rounds or so.
let's say as assassin one of the abilities could be "swiftness", which allows the player to complete two actions in a round (like hitting an enemy two times, or running up to one and hitting them)

These are just some of the things I'd love to see as a player. The ability to play the game in my own style and trying out different routes each game could definitely add to the replayability. Keep up the work! :)
