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A member registered Jan 21, 2021

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Wild Child feels like a sweet candy beautiful at first and soft right after it...

I check the games you made by the recommendation of a friend for The Planet Crafter and I absolutely wanted to try this game and I wasn't wrong!

I felt calm and happy when I was playing this, a really comfortable moment.

The artistic direction fit the game just perfectly.

I took some time to find the last carrot but at no moments I felt like it was boring to find the last one, it was exactly the reverse of it.

I wanted to get that last carrot to make the rabbit happy and be friend with him.

I also felt like it could be a heavenly land for the animals that may had trouble in their respective lives...

Where you can just find whatever you need and someone is there to help you find it when you didn't by yourself!

to not make it longer I really enjoyed the game and it let my stress slip out by himself.

I would give it a 10/10.

(Sorry for my French):

Le jeu était vraiment agréable, j'espère que de futures mise a jour arriveront après le développement de The Planet Crafter. Je pense que vous avez vraiment quelque chose à faire de génial avec ce jeu!

en un mot. Merci!