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I never leave comments anywhere because I'm too shy to speak my mind but this time I have sooo much to say about this game I can't keep it to myself, so I hope what I'm going to write won't be too boring to read. Also, I'm actually so down bad for the characters I'm trying my best not to go full awooga so just know the whole thing has been filtered to make me sound, well, sound of mind HHHH. 

I'd been looking for a while now for a visual novel with horror+romance elements in it and I found so many amazing ones that I enjoyed, and yet Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack is one of the most unique games of this genre I've ever played. Sometimes I play videogames where the artstyle is straight up gorgeous but the story is a bit lacking, other times the writing is very rich but the music won't do it justice and some others they're both good but the art isn't very memorable. This game right here? It has it all. It's been a long time since I've played a game this interesting and you know you have something great between your hands when it's just a demo and yet it's the only game you have been thinking about for the past week. To think I did come upon it a long time ago and had no idea it was just my kind of game! The story is extremely intriguing in a way you wouldn't expect it, the music fits so well and is now stuck in my head, the artstyle is especially outstanding, it's the first time I personally play a game with this specific style and can we talk about the voice acting? Simply delicious. Honestly, I'm so happy to have found out this studio, needless to say your games have become my comfort games as well as a source of happiness. This right here is one of those cases where I'm not even bothered by the fact that I might have to wait a long time before playing the full thing, because I just know the wait will be so worth it!

There's so much more I'd love to praise this game for and express my thoughts on but I don't want to put anyone to sleep with my rambling lol lastly, I just wanted to say your games are the reason why I decided to finally make an account on, totally worth it, should have done that sooner.

Keep up the amazing work, I'll definitely be looking forward to any updates on this and your other games! Now please excuse me while I go replay the whole thing for the umpteenth time..