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A member registered Oct 30, 2021

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(1 edit)

This tool used to have an option to export as a .svg file and I can't figure out how to do that now.  Is that still an option or has that been removed?

Edit:  Figured it out, the export function is on the settlement dialogue.

I can't speak for the developer, but this is how I've viewed it:  historically a dwelling would have two parents, several children (up to 8 or 10 depending on various factors, 4 is a good average assumption), and 2 to 4 grandparents.  There might also be a couple aunts and uncles.  So that's around 8 to 10 people per household, using my educated guess assumptions.  How many other buildings there would be beyond houses would depend on various factors, but a general rule of thumb is the larger the village the more buildings will be not-houses.  You'd want grain storage, animal housing, and the like for any village.  As it gets larger you'd start to see taverns, inns, shops, government buildings, brothels, et cetera.  There's going to be some kind of calculus relating the average population to the average number of shops, of taverns, of restaurants, et cetera, but that's beyond my level of education on the subject.

If you're designing a village for a tabletop game or something like that, it's easy enough to re-jigger the numbers to your liking (5 people on average per household, say) and pick a number of buildings based on that average.  That's what I do.