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A member registered Mar 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Your use of photoshopping to emulate the aesthetic for parody is fine- providing a devlog of the process would be appreciated.

If the interact-able element consists of non-story/non-game content (title, landing page, menus for setting, codex, credits, etc), they are permitted. Otherwise, they fall outside of the scope of the jam's mechanical limitation.

Soppy wet cat-itis. I LOVED this, I LOVE your characters, and it is always a pleasure to read your writing. What a delicious treat.

Very cute little game. Managed to pull off making a perfect lasagna, but it certainly was difficult to resist the kitties' adorable antics!

Thank you! I'm glad to hear it, that's lovely of you to say.

This is a really lovely character, and the art is fantastic. I absolutely love how the blend of greys/whites was stylized and the shape of his soft dark curls- the way his nose was drawn is also just *chef's kiss.* Thanks for sharing!

The worldbuilding in this is lovely, and Heimos is an absolute darling. Really tender relationship crafted between the both of them. Loved the time I spent with this game.

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Thank you! I've always been fascinated by blacksmiths, and find that they're a grounding complement to magical settings. Someone's got to be making all those cursed swords and rings! Your system leaves lots of room for play with character archetypes like this, and I think it's fantastic.

Thank you! They’re a really special group to me, so it was a blast experimenting with different tools to make an e-zine and paying tribute. 

Really beautiful and intriguing assortment of images. (Big fan of the kitties, too!)

What an honour to meet your meowmeows. Happy to hear Beani has been keeping such good watch on her pawtrol for dust bunnies!

Beautiful. Hauntingly sad. An experience that lingers.

This was incredible. I played through it in a single sitting, I was so hooked!

Thank you!! I had a really indulgent time writing some of the prose, and I’m glad it seems to have panned out well. And ahah, yay! I’m glad- always fun to encounter little surprises like that. :-)

I’m glad to hear that you did! Such a wonderful comment. The choice was super fun to put in- I love a good looped tie in to the start. :-)

Thanks so much, for the kind words and feedback! 'Delicate' isn't often a descriptor I hear applied to my prose, and it's delightful to hear. Cheers!

Thanks so much for the kind comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the game!

Always a blast to see something related to Goncharov. I especially liked the line about never knowing what price Andrey took to betray him- that sort of open ended heartbreak is so them!

Icky, gooey, romantic. Lovely retelling of the myth.

Haha, yay! I'm glad that you enjoyed the heart- it was a silly little bit of fun I had with arranging the passages. I'm so pleased to hear that you felt it captured Fallen London's feel- the game has been a staple in my life for the *longest* time and I do adore it so, it's a major inspiration! Thanks so much for the feedback.

Ahah, thank you! I was also a Homestuck fan during it's hey day- it was certainly influential on my work as a creative. (Jade Harley is best girl!)

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I remember playing and loving this during that SpringThing. I thought it might be of interest to share the poem that I had made with your game then. Your work is a beautiful space to tinker around in.

"I was praying.
I was alone with my hands in the dirt.
Only the flimsiest stars were visible.
These wide American fields.
The clothes of dead friends.
As if suspended by a string.
I stood in the rain alone.

If I had to name the poem, I might call it ‘Midnight Visitations.'"

Thanks! Both romantic and platonic relationships can definitely be complex to process- and the experience of grieving a friendship can be so nebulous compared to a romantic partner. Hope you're doing well.

Thank you! I hope that you're able to find healing and catharsis in the aftermath of your own relationship ending. It means a lot to hear that it emotionally resonated with you. Take care.

Sending you care and compassion. Definitely engage in some self care after handling a difficult work! Thanks for taking it out for a spin, and the kind words.

Thank you! I am too, and am glad to say that the friends who helped me through that difficult phase in my life are still in it. (This was a highly autobiographical work.) I had a lot of fun playing around with the colour scheme, as I usually err towards monochromatic pinks- so I appreciate it!

It’s been lovely to see another stab at the same time travel motif from you, and I’ve enjoyed all of the games I’ve played from your assortment. You have a wonderful knack for characterization, especially of nuanced, morally slippery sorts. Definitely an author to keep an eye on. I look forward to playing whatever else you share with us all!

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Thank you for taking the time to engage with what was a difficult thing to. I really enjoyed playing around with the chatlog format! This was definitely my most difficult work to author, given how autobiographical it is. (All of Jasper’s dialogue are things I have been told.) Wishing you well. <3

Thanks, I’m glad to hear it! I had a blast slipping the Goncharov stuff in- my friend organized the Goncharov gamejam and I’ve all but affectionately stolen Andrey Daddano as an OC after our group’s first TTRPG campaign (using one of the tabletop games submitted to said jam.)

This is a very sweet little bite sized game. Pet rats are such darlings.

Some genuinely freaky moments here. The sound effects were gnarly. Really solid sense of its own aesthetic.

Very fun! A brief little jaunt and an interesting presentation of a chatlog. I enjoyed the little bites of worldbuilding we got through their chatter, it was very well incorporated.

In a word: wistful. This captures the maelstrom of emotions surrounding breaking things off with a friend perfectly.

A very sweet piece. The selection of our tea was a fun touch! I especially liked the line about the sunlight playing peek-a-boo. Beautiful page for presenting the game, as well.

Really interesting use of Twine with a gorgeous layout and fun little interactive tidbits to click and rotate about. Unique choice of topic- who doesn't love a good thought about the other lives in such close, but distant proximity to our own? I enjoyed the essay!

So atmospheric! Really lovely use of music. Fascinating, what dreams can bring us, sometimes. I really *love* the idea of exploring timeloops and immortality/different re-incarnations and romantic relationships, so this was right up my alley. A lovely little treat.

Very atmospheric, gothically inevitable Aeron. My favourite line was " him up like a self-addressed love letter," and the barista serving it with a turn of a blind eye. Lovely addition to a universe I'm already enamoured with.

Really slick layout. Font was a little hard to read, but loved the inclusion of a dark mode and the creepy ambiance music! That final bit of a dialogue is chills up your spine spooky. Quite efficient use of the restricted narrative space to paint vivid relationships between the player and their family too. Lovely work.

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This was a really lovely set up! I chose the option where we had a crush/unrequited(?) love for our knight, and a vaguely ambiguous air towards our betrothed. I could see myself really enjoying an extended demo that digs further into the various dynamics on display: jaded royalty with the established system, an unrequited beloved knight, and a husband we'd rather not have.

I'd first played this game sometime ago, but it completely slipped my mind at the time. After a Youtuber I follow made a video featuring your Stardew Valley Dating Simulator game, I decided to check out your page and found that you were the same developer behind this one! The radio mechanic stuck out in my memory, since adjusting the sliders was a fun challenge. Cool game!

Super sweet. The art is lovely, and it really captures the characters well. I played as Abigail and won the farmer's heart- I especially liked the little scene between Abigail and her mum when speaking about the Flower Dance.