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A member registered Nov 06, 2019

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I'm so blown away from this game. I was on tumblr as I discovered it and I fell in love, I just finished Junorus Route. I first played Sachiros Route, after that Kurato and then Junorus and I have to say I like Sachiros and Junorus Routes more, or at least their characters.

The art is so pretty, istg- I really love the game. The game is amazing. AND I FELT THE ACHIEVEMENT "Sorry, they are just side characters" AHHHHH. I love these two after Junorus Route ;; I actually love every side Character, except Rasumi..brrrr. Don't hurt our poor bois pls ;; (I gotta admit tho: She looks damn pretty. I wish I could draw like Pinlin.)

The story is interesting and I normally hate horror as a genre (I also normally don't play these, only watch Let's Plays, but..this game seemed nice). AND THEN I HAD TO PLAY SACHIROS ROUTE FIRST WHERE THERE IS AN ACHIEVEMENT LIKE "What's with all the horror in this route?" AHHHHH. I screamed at some parts and was so startled, brrrr. 

I really love the game, thank you for creating this story! If I ever start recommending Otome Stuff on tumblr I'll make sure to recommend this game, since the art is so nice and the story isn't boring either! (I also love the MC, she's a cutie and somewhat relatable to me :'3)

And with that I should end my comment. Thank you so much again for creating this Otome Game! (I'll make sure to give you some money for the game when I have Paypal, but that can only take a year or more whoops. I still want to support you guys!)