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A member registered May 30, 2022

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anyone in the kitchen gives me a "not available"

im blind af, thank you :)

loved it, just wish there was a gallary/scene replay

if you align the game's image with the one i cited, you can see the same dimensions. The nose line is even identical. All OP did was move the eyes up and make the character Jiro instead of Yayorozu.

(1 edit)

yes.. its blatant plagiarism. The very first scene/image is originally by Darm Engine.

downvoting my comment isn't going to help you. Don't claim other people's work and claim its yours.

did you make sure to credit darm engine for the art?

(1 edit)

Not sure if its just me, the game is broken. Characters pop up in scenes and in the map. Clicking one thing would prompt another (EX: clicking the arcade would instead prompt the mansion). Every time I'd try to talk to Mia, Julia would instead take over.

Edit: Just read that you said it was unpolished.