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A member registered Apr 05, 2021

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Are the epiloge gonna be patron only or will theu be available to everyone? I kinda wanna see the after story for each route

Sorry i didnt get a chance to read that lol. I was to download the update before I was off to work

I was playing Dozers story at day 29 and the whole game completely errored out. I had a full error message on my screen and couldnt go any farther the new part out yet or not yet?

But I will try again

I was actually trying for spencer.

It won't let me go past day 2 for some reason. It just says that was the end of the demo

True plus he did say he had no intent of revealing the secret. He just wants to protect the village

Idk how bout Tano knowing the secret but then again he kinda figured it out during the feast when he met him. As for Cora she did try to look out for Caelen while Ranok was away

i wanna say im mad bout the ending but im glad hes back

if kael makes a ranok body pillow I'm def claiming one of those

how bout you fuck off you piss ant. Kael has a life also. World doesn't revolve around you

All good Kael. Get some rest. See you in two weeks

it is still early. gotta remember time differences

It was a serious cliffhanger.........idk how long the story has been completed but I really hope there is

i feel like there should be a reunion part of the story. like a second book where they reunite 8 years later

chapter 6 was very good. i really hope Ranok comes back soon. i cant believe Caelen finally got through to Vulgor

(1 edit)

i have been waiting for over a week for this. im really expecting a romance scene in the next chapter between Caelen and Ranok

I keep the whole download file on my computer now as a precaution just in case cause all the files are there

yup :)

i actually had this problem. the game didnt wanna read correctly so i had to redownload it and my save data was still there

how will i know when an update is ready to be played? will there be an update file for the game or will i have to re-install it?