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A member registered Jun 07, 2020

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This took me ages too. It's during the Dethroning the Queen quest. I think you have to have *not* freed the nurse from Kate's blackmail during Twisted Desire (though haven't tested personally since I used the chapter select feature; but based on the circumstances chances are good that it's a requirement). Then during the dinner, when Maxine asks you to take a picture for her, you have to select Kate and then choose to wait for a better shot. She and the nurse will disappear and you can target the kitchen. Stay and take the shot for the scene

The scene with the lady in the black nurse's outfit seems to be softlocked. Dunno if that's supposed to be a game over screen or what but I can't do anything but open up my menu after cumming

New Linda scene isn't in the objectives, go to living room in the afternoon (I did it on a Saturday but I don't know if that's relevant or not)