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A member registered Jul 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! My day has gone great! Loving how the story has been going so far. Keep up the great work!

Reading this on the day of my birthday. Talk about perfect timing

===Tiny Spoiler for this update ahead===

So with the galley being added, is it going to stay as all independent images of a scene or will you add scene collages? Taking the dream for example, Instead of all single images, they can be put together into one collage where you can just click next to see the next illustration? If they all stay independent, that's fine too, just a genuine question. Love the visual novel so far!

I don't know many people in the start of the café scene but I love Rook cameo from psychic connections!

Honestly, i wouldn't mind if Kael took some more time off, let alone to take that time to find some more Devs to help with the project as a whole. let alone he has 1,600+ people supporting him on patreon. You and I have both seen that Kael has even gone days without sleeping just to get this VN out the next month and over a period of time, lack of sleep legit kills you slowly along with your mental state degrading.

I think any hate this post would be from people who can't see your point and that honestly. You're just keeping it real with us and speaking for alot of us in a better manner.