It seems like the Blood Fungus can't be cut, but the Liquid Entropy recipe says I need to cut it in half. I'm trying to do it "with swift hands" in case it's on a timer, but I can really only move so fast :(
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The downloadable file is getting flagged by my browser (Firefox) as containing a virus / malware. I don't understand this at all, since I downloaded that same file about a year ago with no issues (though that was on a different device, and I was using Opera then).
Is there any chance that it's gotten . . . corrupted, or something, since then? Or is there something in the game's code that's known to cause false alarms? I'm not quite confident enough to bypass the warning without knowing what's up.
I'm a bit confused about how the rent works! Sometimes it seems to be collected automatically, but then at other times, I get "you need to pay your rent on time" letters even though I have more than enough money to cover it.
Anyway, awesome game. I always come back to it, and I look forward to seeing it grow. More story levels would be a big plus!
Having a great time with this so far! Very chill and the graphics are beautiful. My only "complaint" is that I wish there was an option to press and hold a key (maybe the space bar, but it doesn't really matter which one) instead of clicking and holding with the mouse.
EDIT: I also wish there was a fullscreen mode.
This game looks absolutely fascinating, but no matter what I do, I can't get it to fully load :(
This isn't a problem for me with any other online Itch game. I don't know what's up with this one.
Edit: from what troubleshooting I've been able to do, it seems like the game includes some bit of code which has been flagged as malware.
I can't move. Clicking makes my duck "quack" (silently) and the camera seems to respond to my cursor a little, but that's it. My duck stays firmly rooted in place. I've tried to play here on Itch, and on the site; they both have the same issue. Would love to know how I can fix this. I've played Ducklings in the past and it was great.
- IT'S SO CUTE! Everything, from the sprites to the sound design to the flipping rocks, is just adorable. I love it. It feels cozy and sweet.
- I really appreciate that you can't accidentally hit the sheep.
- The variety of ways to get gems is very cool.
- Unlocking new plants, buildings, blueprints etc. is a fantastic incentive to explore. Buying a new island tile feels like opening a Christmas present.
- The bunny monsters! I love that they don't just attack me on sight. I can decide whether to fight them or not.
- Please make it possible to rearrange factories as well as workbenches and ovens. My factory layout always ends up so clunky and there's nothing I can do about it.
- Fix the masonry table? I routinely get new blueprints for it, but "stone slab" is the only one that's ever on its list.
- Auto-switch to the sword when attacking monsters. I always get switched back to my scythe when I fight bunnies (because of all the bushes) which is quite irritating.
- Ability to rearrange the pinned items.
Overall, really, 10/10. This is my favourite game at the moment. Progression is so satisfying and it's such an alluring little world.
Overall a really fun experience! I love the little Easter egg of "Are you a boy or a girl?" with the option to just say "No." That was really nice 🏳️🌈
I wish you could interact with the NPCs more (most of them only say one line, and talking to the spiky guy after our training session makes him "say" an error message), and I found the menu system a bit clunky. It would be nice if, say:
- M key took me straight to the map
- J key took me straight to the journal
- T key took me straight to the "team" page
And so on.
I also wish that explored areas were mapped out in more detail. I have a terrible sense of direction (even in video games) and I'm always getting turned around, even in the forests. Starting out with a completed map would take a lot of the joy out of things, but if the ground you'd already covered was mapped out, I think that would make the experience more fun. It would also be nice if I could rename my team members later on, rather than having just one chance.
Does each species have a predetermined personality, or is that shaped by the tasks they do?
Can I cheer my Naisad/Cryad up???? I feel so bad for it :(
One final question: when the full version is done, where will we be able to find it?
So, I've seen the snail planet in a previous playthrough, but I haven't gotten near it in this one yet.
A child of two regular Earth bunbons has a snail shell anyway. "Mystery Shell" also has a child who (while unrelated to the deer bunbon) got antlers.
I'm not complaining -- I actually think this is pretty cool -- but I'm curious whether this is technically supposed to happen or not.
EDIT: I've found something which I am complaining about! I'll pause the game and come back to one less bunbon, and the logs will say that that bunbon blasted off when I wasn't looking. Which sucks. I haven't found out yet if these bugged-out spacefarers are waiting for me on the end screen or not.
If I save my game (downloadable version), it saves the amount of money that I have but nothing else. None of my plants, none of my art items. They all disappear.
I don't know if others have had this same issue but it sucks :(
Edit: I've now had a couple successes with saving, exiting, and coming back . . . sort of. Now my plants end up stacked on top of each other, all in the same spot, and all the other spots disappear.
Hey, is it just a random chance whether the pumpkins will grow or not? It's looked to me like only one will grow at a time, no matter how many you plant, which has really messed up my attempts to keep a sable moth! I thought I could save up some pumpkins to get through the days where there wasn't one to harvest, but it seems like they decay???
Absolutely love the game, by the way. Best one I've played in ages. My only other complaint is that I wish there was a box or something to store all the eggs I'm not using, 'cause they're getting in my way XD