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Something Somewhere

A member registered Mar 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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I love the detail of the shirt and hoodie matching thr other's eyes, however, it makes it confusing to read. Even if i know who Devon is, the color of his name makes me think Rune is talking, and vice-versa.

p.s. not remap them permanently, I meant let the user edit them to their liking.

Love the game so far. However, it would be extremely helpful if you could remap the key bindings. WASD would be more conducive  to one handed game play which... would be nice for... reasons.

The Artemi plush sticker is pure gold. I made an audible noise when I saw it.

Omg yeweeesssssssssssssss

thank you


Holy f#@k! What is going on in Mark's mind. I cannot follow his train of thought. I cannot rationaly predict/empathize with him and I want to understand so bad. At least he's hot ;)

Mikko's new sprite is SO CUTE! I didn't mind this character but now I want to give him a smooch.

Omg ✨Lake✨ OwO

I'm sorry... but also hot damn

(1 edit)

I wish I had the option to tell Tai that I would wait months or even years for him to come around. He seems like too good of a catch to just let go. (But damn did that relationship go from 0 to 100 to 1 real quick.😅)