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A member registered Apr 11, 2019

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The loading bar reminds me of Farbrausch!

(2 edits)

having the same problem, did you manage to fix it?

edit: managed to get in by mashing my keyboard, no clue what key it was

edit 2: it's E

Much better than 99% of the "horror games" I see on here. Nice work!

Great game! I keep coming back to it lol

Really cool that you wrote this without a game engine in C (and released the source code!), currently working on my own 3D engine in OGL 3.3 also using C

Great game! The sound is what impressed me the most, one of the most high quality games I've seen on Itch!

good game! made me jump when i first ran into "it". definitely the best backrooms game i've played yet



pls make linux version

the game is just badly coded

running it under wine works pretty well!

doesn't work in wine :(

you can probably compile it on a mac