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A member registered Jan 05, 2014 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you like it!~✨

it's written on the font page, in the License section.

You can use and/or modify these assets for your own personal or commercial projects. You can't distribute or resell these assets by themselves. Attribution is not required, but would be appreciated.

Hi! Sure, the license covers websites too. 

(1 edit)

Oh, I see what you mean: that plus sign is a little too minimalist eheh. No worries, I'll update the font ✨
EDIT: done, fixed in v2.1

Thanks for using my font!!

Thanks for your suggestion! I opted for a more human-parsable sequence (you can find the whole list in the included txt). My charset doesn't include all the characters from the ASCII table (I left a few obscure ones out).

Replied! 👍


hey thanks!

Hey there! I'm glad you like it~✨

I generally suggest 12pt (and multiples) to make sure the font renders sharp, but that depends from many factors (including OS, software etc).

With pixel fonts, using uneven sizes can create artifacts / make everything look blurry and badly upscaled.

Sure, anytime! Thanks for your kind words.

Thanks!! I'm currently updating and polishing all my older font designs, I'm glad you're using Compass ☺️

Hi! Yes, the complete versions of my fonts include ©®™ and more.

The basic versions only support English and have less punctuation symbols, only the ones you see in the banner.

Hello! Unfortunately this font is too big to fit in an 8x8 grid: "8px tall" refers to the cap height (the height of the uppercase letters). It's a variable width font, so it's not monospaced. 

Thanks!! It's one of my personal favorites 

Thanks, I appreciate it! I'll update Empire soon.

Hello! All my new pixel fonts support Ukrainian and Polish (and Turkish, Hungarian, etc).

You can find them all on my main page (, they're the one on top, with the "windows-like" graphic, "Passage" for example.

I may update this font too eventually! Thanks for your kind words~✨

Hello! You can try a few different techniques: for example, you could write a function that prints the font in black in 8 directions all around the main white text. Personally I just tweak the png version, since I use it as Sprite Font.

hi! what's "CSP"? maybe it's a software/OS issue.

hey! sure, your game looks lovely, I'd happily accept a key~✨
you can contact me on Discord if you want (I'm "somepx" there too).

32 looks nice, yeah - point values can be complex, as they depend from many factors (OS settings, software, etc)!

Hey! Try 12/24pt

You're welcome

That's a default Itch font, I think it's called 04b03 iirc.

What editor? I'm not sure I understood the question, sorry 

Thanks! I appreciate it~✨

Thank you! I'm glad you like it.

You're welcome!~🎃

Grazie 🥲

Hey thanks ✨

No, sorry!

Yeah - check again though, I just created a new sale 😉

Hello! Since you asked so nicely, I added this bundle to the sale. Enjoy~✨

Sure. Please send a detailed request (languages you need to support, size, any other detail) at my email (info @ somepx dot com) and I'll give you a quote. For reference, my hourly rate is €60: a custom version of a font with my usual character set will take ~4 hours of work. Cheers.

Some of my premium fonts have separate bold versions: when they do, that's clearly shown on the page!
I could draw italic versions as well on request.

Absolutely fantastic!!! The ☉ update will be really useful. Thanks as always for your hard work~✨

Thanks for using my tiny fonts~✨

Thank you!~✨

You can contact me on Discord if you want, I'm "somepx" there too!