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A member registered Feb 11, 2014 · View creator page →

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Molt xulo, m''agrada molt l'art.
El joc s'ha fet una mica llarg al mig, perquè no sabia gaire ocm calcular si em valia més comprar o plantar o què i era només anar fent i anar anant a dormir, però en general m'ha agradat, gràcies : )

😂 va profe, un cinquillo per l'esforç

Molt xula la història, el joc des del mòbil només he pogut anar disparant fins que m'he mort, aviam si demà el puc probar en ordinador!

M'encanta, ha quedat super bé!
Mmoltes gràcies!


is cool, but some times the balls are in the door waiting for you and they insta kill you, that got me a bit frustrated, a part from that, good mood and entertained gameplay

Thanks for your entry *^^

Good job, it was a bit bornig for the first part, because if you just keep taking more damagge, you can easily kill them, at lvl 20-something it started getting a bit challenging and more fun for me ^^

Thanks for your entry : )

For my experience it does work fine and people gets envolved

I think that this entry alone should make up for this by being a complete despise of the conventional formailities of this game jam theme, media and presentation : p