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A member registered 77 days ago

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this is really good

i would like all of these

i wonder what happens next

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idk if i could make a book but i am sort of starting one for fun, its about a kittypet named Quail and her brother, Bronze. (names might change)

C it would be fun mentoring them (mabye there would be an option to be a bad mentor lol)





80 rep needed too so try hunting near night or going on patrols, i hope this helped

i want 3 and no one can change my mind.

ima try that

ive seen MooseShowers/Mossshadows vid its " in return i hope you will accept me "

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yes what a beautiful day so calm, the sun is shining and there is definitely no badger attacking Creamfrost.

kit to leader

i know but its just a way to get past the cliff

or if you name yourself redkit and speak to her

yall i cant leave the elders den after my pet birds wings get clipped is there a way to leave or no?


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its when she is awake and i forgot the dialog-

edit 1 = i think its just 2 times (so you get past the dialog about the coat colours)

and if you fall in the cliff as an apprentice then you get teleported to the warrior den which is on the other side of the cliff-

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if you talk to breezekit with the cast on breezekit will say secret dialog

edit= the cast is not needed you just have to talk to breezekit multiple times

how do i get reborn

how do you get your kits to grow up? do you just wait? (reply if im wrong

how do i get reborn??


dose Creekfoot wake up

yall should i tell on crystalblaze? 

btw on computer you can press "E" to sit and press the down arrow or "S" to sleep

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what happens if you don't tell on crystalblaze?

edit =  im gonna  try playing without telling bramblestar so she dosent run away